The Importance of Building Your Customer Avatars

Why building your avatar is everything. You might've heard the words “customer avatar” or “buyer persona”, or some other words. They all describe who your ideal customer is, your fictitious representation of your ideal customer, someone who's perfect for your brand, your favorite customer.

The Importance of Buyer Personas

Why are they everything in your marketing? Because they lead all your marketing efforts. If you don't know who your marketing persona is, you won't know the right keywords that you need to rank for and what are they searching for those.

You won't know the right header tags which you should put within your content to make it more structured and to follow the way they like to read things. Basically, you know how you're solving their problem. Remember, we’re always trying to solve their problem or answer their question. 

The type of content you create is going to be driven by their needs, by the way, they like to consume content, the problems, and pains that they're having. In another video, I talk about a nine-point messaging sequence, or just basically how to communicate to your ideal avatar, understand their pain, their problem, the consequences for not taking action to solve those. So you need to talk about how you can help them, your process that helps them as a certain person, and then where they can see themselves in the future. This way you’re helping them overcome any objections and see their ideal future for themselves and helping them get there.

Customer Avatars

Using Customer Avatars

This applies to everything in marketing, whether it's B2C, B2B, selling a product or a service, you need to know your person, right?

You only really need to have one to three core avatars, and then you might have some sub personas or avatars, but who is the ideal person that your best client, the best customer, who are they and how do you help them?

If your customer avatar is everything in your business, make sure you know who they are. 

If you would like training on this, I have a specific training video that walks you through a questionnaire.

You can literally just sit down, find an hour, and you can just type out answers to these questions and this will build you this beautiful document of exactly who your person is.

Knowing your buyer personas will enable you to just make your marketing explode because you'll know exactly how to be reaching out to this person and saying “Hey, I can help you!” will be easier than ever.


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