The Next 90 Days: Why 90-Day Worlds Are Important

90-day worlds are incredibly important as a concept and a process for your business. 90-day is generally when we kind of slow down a bit and lose that momentum.

It's really good to refresh ourselves with whatever we're doing. If we are looking to grow in the digital marketing space, if pain of ours is not being visible online, and we really want to grow, we can break this goal down into 90-day segments. A really good example of doing this is my SEO process: when trying to grow your local online visibility, try building yourself a 90-day cycle.

Month One

I’ll share a really good 90-day cycle that I run on my new SEO clients. First, I optimize the Google My Business page. That's the single best thing that you can do to make sure you're ranking better. That’s why first month I suggest doing some keyword research, both for yourself and competitor analysis, carry a website audit, and understand exactly what's going on with your web pages and everything else. That's going to be a really important part of the SEO process going forward.

Also, in the first month, I suggest building a hub or a dashboard that can showcase everything in one place and can you use as a tactile area to see everything and to move forward with a whole bunch of business directories because they're really, really good for improving SEO and building online presence

Month Two

The second month, I optimize the website: I start by actually going through that audit, changing all the header tags and all the stuff that needs to be done in order to improve the website. Also, I build a content plan, specifically, dig deep into avatars because they're extremely important and dig deep into relevancy around how you relate to people because that's really important as well.

Start sourcing backwards, start creating relationships with people, and asking if you can post your blog or your article on their website - build a network

SEO in 90 days

Month Three

Start this month by rolling out that new content and building more and even better relationships with people that you're creating the content with. Post on the website more and continue optimizing the website because we know how SEO process goes - it can take time depending on how big your website is. If you've got tens or hundreds of pages that generally takes a while and then expands your potential. 

90-day World: Conclusion

I really want you to review and plan the next 90 days, every 90 days. Just sit down and decide what went well, what didn't go so well, what can we do moving forward?

You’ve just learned about my SEO process for growing locally and getting online visibility through SEO. This is an awesome template to follow and it also allows us to expand and decide if we want to do other activities outside of this or do we want to be stick to what we're doing. 

This is the core process. This is what a 90-day world looks like. Always think about how can I optimize myself and work within a 90 days timeframe.


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Grab the SEO Checklist - our 8 step guide to optimise your SEO and start showing up on Google! 🎉


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